Thursday, February 28, 2008

Not a good image...

In reading this article, I agree that when giving and getting a gift, there is no such thing as a free one if the two are emotional attached, be it friends or family or even co-workers because there is an emotional value placed on that gift now. I do however think that a free gift is available when people are providing more of a service to people than a gift and there is no emotional attachment. For example, if the government is giving away money a.k.a. welfare programs where people are able to get money to support themselves and they have no gratitude for it, they just assume that it's their right and take full advantage of the situation. I know that most people are not like this but I have known these cases also. So in this example, the money is a free gift for the people and they have no intent on giving back. So in my opinion, there is such a thing as a free gift, it is just not in good circumstances.

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