Sunday, March 2, 2008


I think it would be risky if the partners in question marry based on romantic love. Reason being in those societies marriage is usually based on what is good for the overall society. For example arranged marriage can lead to a unity of tribes, exchange on livestock or material goods. Marriage under love there could be a chance the greater good wont is satisfied.

I think the choice belongs to the individual, I mean in this day an age marriage is just a pipe dream, a legal document that binds two people. That being said bringing a child into that environment is beneficial because that is the norm, a mom and a dad both there to support its growth and well-being. The stress for the parents is halved since both of them are there to support each other.

Cultural problems arise when a person decides to have a child outside of marriage. People are wired into the norm. If one goes against that the society could consider that decision taboo and frown upon that by calling the decision maker reckless and careless.

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