Thursday, March 6, 2008

"All You Need Is Love" ?

As much as I would like to believe The Beatles that, “all you need is love”, I think it’s very risky to choose a marriage partner exclusively based on romantic love in countries where the state is weak or absent. I know somebody who just found out that they have some serious health problems, but they do not have any health insurance. As a result of this, they are unable to receive the proper medical treatment. That’s an awful situation to be in, and if it came down to it I would think there best bet would be to marry someone with health insurance that they could benefit from. You can’t survive on just love alone. So for people in countries or situations where they could greatly benefit from marrying someone whom they did not love, but could take care of them….then that is what they should do. You have to look out for your physical wellbeing first and foremost. And if you are lucky enough to find someone that you love who can also take care of you, then in the words of Michael Bluth, “Well, yeah you've gotta lock that down.”

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